It's time to start running again!
With Covid restrictions easing in the UK This Mum Runs will very shortly be bringing back our group social runs. We speak to one of our incredible Run Angel volunteers, Amy, on what it means to be back running with the TMR community once more.
'When the pandemic hit last year and our Wednesday evening and Sunday morning social runs stopped it was a real blow to our community, but it brought about the most amazing online support group you could have imagined. We came together and brought the full force of the friendship, camaraderie and inclusivity that is at the heart of TMR communities to our online Facebook Groups. The support that we are so proud of didn't stop, in fact, it went up a few notches! We encouraged each other to get out for some headspace through selfie challenges, run bingo and sharing routes. We’ve been there for each other through incredibly challenging times, so getting back to 'normal' runs and being able to run with these amazing women brings on a whole heap of emotions as a Run Angel and community member.'
What to expect when social runs start again?
Well, I'm certainly very excited about this but also nervous and apprehensive. It’s been such a long time! Thankfully, TMR have built a very simple app for us to use (whether you are a Run Angel or Runner) and booking on a run is easy peasy. Apart from booking onto a run, nothing else has changed and I can't wait to get back out there for fresh air, friendship and head space. I’m so looking forward to supporting women to get out there and do something for themselves, to take that time they rarely (if ever) get but they very much need and deserve.
To join a run, you download the app, book your spot and show up. The Run Angel will check you in (scan your phone), warm you up and then off we go.
Whether you’ve never run with us before, have on and off, or ran with us regularly, the ethos remains unchanged and you will be welcomed with open arms (not literally of course, we’re not quite there yet!). We run for 30 minutes. We’re not interested in the pace or the distance, we run at our own chatty pace.
What to expect during & after the run?
LOOOOOPP! Who’s missed looping?! Such a simple but brilliant concept as we all run at different paces. If we have runners ahead we holler ‘LOOP’ and the runners loop to the end of the line so nobody gets left behind, no one is always at the back or feels that they are slowing the group down – this never happens and I LOVE looping for this. It suits every one of us and our own individual pace and if you need to have a rest and walk, then you walk, it’s not a problem.
The route planned and lead by the Run Angel will be very mindful of space, giving the runners as much space as possible and also the general public. We will be very considerate of pedestrians and make space for them when we need too, it’s so important to respect all of needs and be aware of our presence in the community.
When the run has finished, your Run Angel will take you through some stretches to cool down, then before we say our goodbyes, we take the all-important selfie! Although I have been known to forget this on many occasions and will no doubt continue to do so, my selfie skills were never very good so I’m looking forward to getting the practice again!
Why do I love being a Run Angel?
We hear a lot about tribes these days, finding your ‘tribe’, finding your ‘people’, well that is how I feel about This Mum Runs. It’s a place to meet like minded women, who share the same struggles & worries, highs & lows, who get what it’s like to be female, have babies / younger & older children / fur babies! It’s a safe and supportive space to get back into exercise or start exercising, it’s an inclusive group that gets you out of that front door for ‘you’ time.
Being a Run Angel allows women to be part of all of the above, that’s why I love being a Run Angel, do I need to say anything more? I can’t wait to get back to social runs, to support and encourage all those lovely Mumma’s out there. Bring it on!
Want to join a This Mum Runs Social Run?